jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

Kaneval der Kulturen

Berlin is a city with a large international population, 450.000 inhabitants of the German capital don’t have the German citizen-ship.

The idea of a carnival was managed by organizers in Bielefeld and Hamburg in 1995, at a time when a lot of social, economic and cultural changes were happening. Because of this changes, the social conflicts became more evident and even increased. This state of change resulted a prejudiced view on immigration.

But at this time Berlin attracted a growing number of artists from all over the world and a new cultural off-scene developed, which added to the cultural richness of Berlin. Berlin succeed in one of Europe's music centres with different styles of electronically music.

The firsts Karneval der Cuturen of Berlin did not gain sufficient support and could not be implemented. However Carnivals of Cultures every year with a mixture of cultures.

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